Immersive experiences are everywhere these days: The touring Van Gogh exhibit, the Sloomoo Institute slime museum and even a Mean Girls experience are just a few that have recently popped up in New York alone. They all promise their visitors a fully immersive... Read more
// Articles //
There was a time not so long ago when chatbots were just fun internet toys – shortform entertainment for anyone who happened upon them, testing the capabilities of a machine’s ability to engage in dialogue on par with human conversation. Now over the last year and a half,... Read more
The OSK blog is back and we have some news to share! A lot of things have happened since we last checked in. One of the biggest changes: we moved! We left our longtime Chanin Building office of over a decade last year and are now at home in SoHo. Midtown Manhattan and SoHo... Read more
Germany. The Philippines. Vietnam. Guyana. China. USA. These are the countries represented in our office, this diversity is what makes us stronger, and it’s what gives us the foreground to engage in conversations that matter – we inspire each other with our unique... Read more
With New York heading into Phase 2 of reopening next week, there’s a lot of “Do we?” or “Don’t we?” questions bouncing around. Phase Two means outdoor dining options, some in-store shopping, hair salons, barbershops, real estate firms and... Read more
Social distancing and quarantine are our current reality. People are working from home and meetings have been moved online. In our social life, virtual happy hours have basically replaced all other forms of social interactions and the platform options are plenty – from... Read more
Most people with office jobs have likely worked from home before. However, the majority of us have probably never done it for an extended period, and the way it currently looks like is that we will have to do it for at least another three to four weeks. In order to stay... Read more